Business woman sat at desk drafting with pen and paper

it's all in the details.

Non-Exclusive Licence Terms & Conditions

Except where otherwise agreed in writing, these terms and conditions apply to all material supplied to and published by Reach plc or companies in the Reach group of companies (“Reach”) for publication in Reach’s publications, including newspapers and magazines, websites (however accessed) and apps (“Titles”).

These terms and conditions apply to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions contained or referred to in any communication from you to Reach including, without limitation, any terms and conditions, acknowledgement or acceptance of order, specification, delivery note, invoice or otherwise.

In consideration of their mutual obligations, you and Reach agree to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.

    1. You have supplied content to Reach (“the Content”).

      1. If a payment (“the Payment”) has been agreed in writing, Reach will pay it to you, subject to the publication of the Content.

      2. If a syndication fee (“the Syndication Fee”) has been agreed in writing, Reach will account for and pay this to you for any syndication of the Content. The Syndication Fee is not payable in respect of any use of the Content as set out in sub-clauses 5 (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) below.

      3.  VAT will also be payable, if applicable.

    2. You agree that the Content will comply with:

      1. all current legislation; and
      2. the terms of the IPSO Editors’ Code of Practice, which can be found

    3. You confirm that:

      1. you either own the copyright in the Content or are the licensee of the Content;

      2. (b) you have the power to grant a licence in the Content to Reach; and

      3. the exploitation of the Content in accordance with the terms of this agreement will not infringe the rights of any other party.

    4. You grant to Reach the rights set out below.

      (a) (i)

      • An irrevocable, assignable, sub-licensable, royalty-free worldwide licence authorising Reach to do in relation to the Content anything which would, in the absence of such licence, infringe your rights in the Content subsisting in any jurisdiction including but not limited to the right to: Reach plc non-exclusive commission Terms and Conditions

      • edit, store, reproduce and/or publish the Content in any medium;

      (ii) distribute the Content to online and digital library services and aggregator sites and to NLA Media Access Limited and other reprographic rights organisations;

      (iii) license reproduction of the Content by third parties including cuttings agencies and PR consultancies; and

      (iv) syndicate the Content in any medium.

      (b) The licence will be non-exclusive and in perpetuity.

      (c) You agree to ensure, in the event you assign the copyright in the Content at any time, that such assignment is subject to the licence granted herein.

      (d) The licence is effective whether or not Reach publishes the Content.

  1. To the extent applicable and to the extent permitted by law, you waive all rights conferred on you by Chapter IV of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended from time to time and under all similar legislation from time to time in force anywhere in the world including the right to be identified as the author of the Content.

  1. You permit but do not oblige Reach to use your name and/or other identifying features (including but not limited to images, trade marks and logos) to promote the Content anywhere in the world and permit but do not oblige Reach to authorise others to do the same.

  1. You agree promptly to assist Reach in defending any complaint arising out of

    (a) the Content; and/or

    (b) any behaviour on your part relating to the Content including but not limited to any behaviour relating to information-gathering, research or acquisition of material whether or not such material becomes part of the Content.

  1. (a) You confirm that you shall be wholly responsible for and indemnify Reach in relation to:

    (i) any income tax, national insurance or social security contributions and any other associated liabilities arising from or made in connection with this agreement; and

    (ii) any liabilities for any employment related claim or any claim based on employee or ‘in the employment of’ status (including reasonable costs and expenses) brought by you against Reach arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.

    (b) Reach may at its option satisfy the indemnity in this clause (in whole or in part) by way of deduction from any payments due to you.

  1. You consent to Reach storing your personal data (for example, your name, address, and  Reach plc non-exclusive commission Terms and Conditions (2) contact details and bank account details) for the purpose of enabling Reach to exercise its rights hereunder, to pay you monies due to you and to provide you with any agreed credit.

  1. You hereby agree to indemnify Reach against any claims, losses, liabilities, costs (including reasonable legal costs) or damages suffered or incurred by Reach as a consequence of any breach or alleged breach by you of clause 4 or clause 6 this agreement.

  1. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the Content and supersedes all other agreements relating to the Content whether oral or in writing. The parties acknowledge that in entering into this agreement they have not relied on any representations, warranties or undertakings other than those expressly set out in this agreement.

  1. This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
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