Business woman sat at desk drafting with pen and paper

it's all in the details.

Advertising Terms & Conditions for Consumer

These terms and conditions explain who we are, how we run advertising for you, what to do if you change your mind or there is a problem, and other important information. Please read them carefully.

  • Who we are and how to contact us
  • We are Reach Publishing Services Limited (referred to as we or us in these terms). We are part of the Reach plc group which publishes various print and digital publications, websites and apps (our Publications).
  • Our address is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP. Our company number is 08339522 and our group’s VAT number is GB440356767. You can write to us, phone us on 0207 293 3000 or email us at
  • When we refer to you in these terms, we mean the person or entity booking advertising with us.
  • About these terms
  • These terms apply to all ads, notices, inserts, advertorials, branded content, native advertising, sponsored content and other non-editorial content (together, Ads) that we publish or you ask us to publish in any of our Publications or in any other media, such as social media channels, in which we have the right to place Ads (Channels).
  • The only terms that apply to Ads you book with us are these terms and the commercial details about your Ads (including the price) that we agree with you in writing. Any other terms, including any terms linked to or incorporated into any email or other document that you submit to us, are expressly excluded and rejected. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
  • Who these terms apply to
  • These terms apply only to Ads placed by consumers, such as classified ads and announcements. When we talk about “consumers” in these terms, we mean private individuals who are not acting in the course of a business, trade or profession.
  • If you are advertising a trade, a business, a charity or professional services, these terms do not apply and your Ad is subject instead to our Reach Business Advertising Terms.
  • Your contract with usThe following information gives you an overview of your contract with us. We are required to provide this information by the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013:
  • the main characteristics of our services are the publication of digital or print Ads in one or more of our Publications or Channels, according to what you order;
  • the total price of the Ad including the applicable VAT will be provided to you before you are committed to order it. Paragraph 7 (Payment) explains when you need to pay;
  • there are no additional delivery or other charges beyond the quoted price of the Ad and applicable VAT; and
  • this contract takes effect when we confirm that we have accepted your order to publish an Ad and will last until your Ad is no longer publicly accessible. Paragraphs 8 (Your responsibility for your Ad), 9 (Your rights in the Ad and the rights you give us), 12 (If you have a complaint or you want to bring legal proceedings) and 13 (Our liability to you) will stay in force indefinitely.
  • What we need to run Ads for you

The law gives you a number of rights including:

  • the right to change your mind within 14 days after we accept your order and receive a refund. This is explained in paragraph 11 (Your right to cancel); and
  • the right to ask us to re-run your Ad if we do not provide our services with reasonable care and skill or receive a refund if re-running the Ad is impossible or we fail to do so within a reasonable time or without significantly inconveniencing you. Please see paragraphs 12 (If you have a complaint or you want to bring legal proceedings) and 13 (Our liability to you) for more details.
  • The rights you give us in the materials you provide
  • We will try to publish your Ad on the date(s) we agree with you or for a duration that we agree with you. Sometimes we may need to publish your Ad in a later edition or at a later date. We will try to give you advance notice if we do that but it may not always be possible (for example, if we have to make a last minute change to a paper before it goes to print).
  • Your Ad may appear in international editions and e-editions of the relevant Publication as well as any UK edition.
  • Unless you have paid for special positioning or prominence, we will decide the position and prominence of your Ad.
  • We reserve the right to reject, withdraw and/or cancel any Ad at our discretion. For example, we might do this if your Ad is tasteless or offensive, or if it would breach these terms, advertising standards, our Ad Content Policy, our editorial policy, or the terms and policies of any applicable Channel.
  • If we reject or cancel your Ad before it has been published, we will tell you. You will not have to pay for your Ad and if you have already paid, we will refund you.
  • If we reject your Ad, we may ask you to make or agree to changes so it meets our requirements. If you do make or agree to these changes, the Ad will run and you will need to pay for it. If you don’t make or agree to the changes we need, the Ad will be cancelled.
  • Payment
  • You must pay for your Ad in advance, at our then-current rates. We will tell you the total price at the time you place the Ad. If we give you a price that is exclusive of VAT, we will tell you how much VAT is payable before you commit to your Ad.
  • You may make payment to us:
  • by electronic bank transfer, using the bank details on our invoice to you;
  • by credit or debit card; or
  • by sending a cheque to: Reach Publishing Services Limited, PO Box 2003, L69 3FR.


To pay by direct debit, debit card or credit card, you can contact us on 0800 029 4243.

  • If you do not pay for your Ad (for example, because your credit card is rejected), we will not be obliged to publish it.
  • You indemnify us
  • You are responsible for the content of your Ad, whether you provide the copy or ask us to create it for you and run it by you for approval. When you place an Ad, you are promising us that:
  • the content of the Ad is true and not misleading;
  • the Ad does not contain anything which is grossly indecent, offensive, hateful, discriminatory, libellous, unlawful or immoral;
  • the Ad does not infringe or misuse someone else’s rights, such as their confidentiality, privacy rights or copyright or trade mark; and
  • If someone threatens or brings a legal claim against us (or another member of the Reach plc group) because of the content of your Ad, or a regulator (such as the Advertising Standards Authority) complains about the content of your Ad, we reserve the right to remove your Ad without a refund and we may also seek compensation from you.
  • Your rights in the Ad and the rights you give us
  • Any content you provide for your Ads such as copy, pictures or video (Your Content) is yours. We will not have (and do not need) any ownership rights or any exclusivity in Your Content.But, so that we can publish your Ad and keep a record of it for future reference, you grant us and our other group companies a licence to:
  • modify Your Content as necessary to fit the requirements of the relevant Publication(s), Channel(s) or Ad slots that you have bought (for example, by re-sizing it or changing the format of it); and
  • make and distribute copies of Your Content and communicate it to the public for the purpose of carrying out this contract with you, addressing any disputes, and running our business (for example, keeping accounts and maintaining archives of previous editions of our Publications).

This licence is:

  • perpetual – because we need to keep records and archival copies and because Ads on our digital properties may remain accessible for extended periods of time; and
  • worldwide – because many of our Publications and Channels are published online or have overseas editions or e-editions which are available worldwide.

This licence does not affect your data protection rights.

  • If we create or use any of our own content for your Ad, we will own that content.

  • Your privacy and personal information
  • We will process your personal data in accordance with the law. You can learn about what we do with your personal data, why, and how to exercise your rights, in our privacy notice.
  • Your right to cancel
  • You have the right to change your mind and cancel an Ad within 14 days after the day we accept your order. If we have already received payment from you, we will refund you the price you paid for the Ad by the method you used for payment.
  • You can exercise your right to cancel:
  • by post or by email using the contact details at the top of these terms; or
  • by using the “model cancellation form” to do this, although you don’t have to.
  • If you cancel by post, your cancellation will be valid as long as you posted it within the 14 day period.
  • If you cancel after we have started work on your Ads, we may ask you to pay an amount for work carried out up until the point that you tell us you want to cancel or may deduct that amount from any refund to you.
  • If you ask us to publish your Ad before the 14 day period expires, then you acknowledge that you will lose the right to cancel once your Ad has run and will not be able to change your mind even if the 14 day period is still running.
  • If you have a complaint or you want to bring legal proceedings
  • If you have a complaint, you should contact us in the first instance using the contact details at the top of these terms, and we will try to resolve it with you.
  • If you live in the United Kingdom, you can bring legal proceedings in the part of the United Kingdom where you live. Otherwise, if you want to bring legal proceedings, you must do so in the English courts.
  • Cancelling your Ads
  • If we make a mistake in publishing your Ad, and that mistake materially detracts from the Ad (for example, if we misprint the date of a wedding), then as long as you tell us within 7 days, we will either:
  • re-run the Ad;
  • publish a correction with similar prominence to the original Ad; or
  • refund you the cost of the Ad,

as you may choose. These will be your only remedies for mistakes in publishing Ads. Otherwise, we are responsible to you for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking these terms, or our failure to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable:

  • if it is obvious that it will happen; or
  • if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen – for example, if you discussed it with us during the sales process.
  • We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
  • If you place or order an Ad for any commercial or business purpose, our liability to you will be limited as set out in the Reach Business Advertising Terms.
  •  If you have a query about an invoice
  • These terms do not give any rights to any third party unless they expressly state that they do.
  • We are not responsible to you for matters which are beyond our reasonable ability to control.
  • We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will tell you in writing if that happens and any transfer will not affect your rights under these terms.
  • If a court or other authority decides that any of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.
  • If we delay in enforcing these terms (for example, by not immediately chasing you for payment), we can still enforce them later.
  • We reserve the right from time to time to alter these terms by posting an updated version at The updated version will only apply to orders for Ads submitted after the date it is posted.
  • These terms are governed by English law.
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